Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Good News All Around

Looks like happy days are here again, after all.

First, Ann Coulter has a new book coming out: Godless: The Church of Liberalism. has an excerpt of it that made me plenty excited to get it.

Also, Zao has a new CD coming out on Tuesday! Hooah!

Now, if only I can find the time and money...

By the way, the "Why Feminism is Evil" column was published in my school newspaper, and it was met with strong reactions all around. Read it if you already haven't, but I tell you it's hilarious...I'm now considered one of the more gutsy people in my school, but I'll be honest: I don't really care about others' opinions of me; it took no courage to publish. I thought it was great! Still do!

Needless to say, I am the hero of every male student and the object of hatred for most of those female...

Except for Claire Sweeney, anyway. Nice to know I have a fan.